Sunday, February 19, 2006

I love the winter olympics!

Ian seems to think the winter olympics is dull and pointless. I beg to differ.
I love the winter olympics, for the following reasons:
1) Most of the sports are really bizarre. In the normal olympics you have running and archery, and other sports which have a vague connection to everyday life. Not so in the winter olympics. Most of the sports are just utterly pointless, with no practical benefit, and are done just for the sheer love of sport. Brilliant. And who on earth invented the bobsleigh? You can imagine a couple of Austrians in the 1920s just having a laugh with an old car chassis and then getting rather good at it.
2) Most of the sports are really hard. You have to be very good at ice skating to catch someone else without falling over. You have to be really, really fit to do cross-country skiing. That's admirable athleticism.
3) Most of the sports are really mental. You have to be slightly mad to throw yourself down a slope on a wooden tray at 80mph. I'm sure even the downhill skiers could actually die if they came off wrong. That appeals to me. I find surfing scary because of the sea element, but the skeletal bob, now that looks like fun. I'd really really like to have a go at it. I'm sure some of the sledging we did as children isn't much different.


ianbee said...

okay, let me clarify. one guy throwing himself very fast down a slope: quite interesting, whether on skis, bobsleigh, or whatever. A series of guys throwing themselves down the same slope one after another and doing it in almost exactly the same time with no discernable difference in their performance to the lay observer: boring. It's like watching a series of surfers riding absolutely identical waves one after another and each doing exactly the same thing each time. Variety, that's what's needed. sticks with nails in, or being chased by big dogs. you know i'm right!

KiwiChronicles said...

"I'm sure even the downhill skiers could actually die if they came off wrong. That appeals to me."

what appeals to you: their deaths or yours?

and you are not suggesting ice dancing is dangerous or mad (except in a fashion sense!) are you?

kenny said...

Ian, I do not! You are very wrong. There are clear discernable differences, you just need to pay attention. And get an imagination - imagine yourself in their shoes, you wouldn't be bored then. Pah! Postmodern consumerism!

kenny said...

Andy, er, good point. I wouldn't want them to die. It's the near-death rush I'm after. A wannabe adrenalin junkie, that's me. Also, you're right, ice-dancing isn't exactly mental, but it is strangely compelling...

kenny said...

Man this blogging lark is alarmingly nerdy, isn't it! That's not really the adrenalin I'm after.

Anonymous said...

remember that me and becci are coming to see you guys soon!

kenny said...

Yup looking forward to it! Fancy trying some skeleton bob?