Monday, July 03, 2006

God's grace in a box, but not boxed in

I had a massive tangible reminder of God’s generous grace recently when a rather substantial cheque came through the post from a friend, completely out of the blue. It soon became clear that God was providing this money specifically for me to buy a laptop – and a very nice one at that! It taught me a number of things:

- As Christians we don’t have to avoid material things - God wants us to enjoy them.
- God provides generously for our needs – not just so we scrape by, but so we can enjoy him.
- We can use material things to enjoy God.
- We can use enjoyable material things to serve God.
- And, surprisingly, I have artistically creative gifts that God wants me to enjoy, develop, and use for his kingdom!

My prayer is that each day I open my laptop, I remember God’s grace. It's right there sitting in front of me!

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